The Green Committee aims to create a community of engagement within the AustCham Singapore membership to discuss issues and identify opportunities related to the environment.
Join to be part of driving new ideas and opportunities for connection, insights and advocacy with the wider AustCham Singapore community.
Current Focus
In consultation with our membership, the Green Committee’s focus areas include:
- Reflections from and planning for COP
- Government to Business opportunities
- Green skills
- Singapore-Australia Green Economy Agreement
The Green Committee meets on a bi-monthly basis to push this agenda forward. Details of meetings will be uploaded to our events page.
Green Committee Leadership Team
Committee Chair:
Anna Green
Committee Vice Chairs:
Stephen Miller
Scott Speedie
The running of the Committee will also be supported by Danny Bowerin, our Head of Membership.
If you are an AustCham Singapore member and are interested to join the Green Committee, simply log in to your profile and sign up. Keep a look out for Committee updates in your email inbox.